Okome Studio is a small software development consultancy, currently a one-man operation by Taro Sato, based in San Francisco. The studio focuses on building data-oriented systems with Python, Linux, AWS, and related technologies.
What is in the name? The interface between science and useful things is full of complexities that can be dealt with only through creative thinking. Taking lean product development as an artistic process—be it a well-designed UI frontend or a system of backend microservices—a studio-like workroom is whereskillful minds contemplate and innovation materializes. In okome(pronounced somewhat like okoumé), we see the simple-yet-essential nature of the Japanese staple, with its signature flexibility to suit a wide variety of flavors and fine dishes. These are the concepts for which we strive.
About Taro Sato

Taro has worked as a data scientist and engineer for various startups in the San Francisco Bay Area. Before shifting to industry, he had worked as a research scientist analyzing astrophysical data and developing scientific computing tools in academia. As a long-time open-source user/developer, Taro uses Debian on allhis ThinkPads. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and writing reviews of books on a wide range of topics, including cultures, technology, and evolutionary sciences.