
Installing ATLAS on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Written by Taro Sato on . Tagged: sysadmin OS X

Installing from Fink


$ fink install atlas atlas-shlibs

That’s it. They will be installed under /sw/lib.

First of all, I need a FORTRAN compiler, so install it. I recommend using the Mac installer from the GCC Wiki site, so that GFortran won’t end up having hard-to-track-down dependencies.

I download tarballs for ATLAS and LAPACK from the official repositories. Here I use ATLAS 3.9.32 and LAPACK 3.3.0. I assume the compiled library and header files will be installed at /usr/local/atlas.

Here is the procedure:

$ mkdir tmp
$ cd tmp
$ wget
... download the tarball for ATLAS from sourceforge ...
$ tar -xvjf atlas3.9.32.tar.bz2
$ mv ATLAS atlas-3.9.32
$ ln -s atlas-3.9.32 atlas
$ cd atlas
$ mkdir bld
$ cd bld
$ ../configure -b 64 --shared --prefix=/usr/local/atlas-3.9.32 \
$ make build

If I wish to do some checking, do:

$ make check
$ make time

(I may wish to compare the output with doc/atlas_install.pdf.)

If I don’t find any problem, do:

$ sudo make install
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/atlas-3.9.32 /usr/local/atlas

That’s it.

Update History

November 24, 2010 – Added the Fink section. Using the most recent versions of ATLAS and LAPACK. Made the install directory more explicit to the version installed.

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