
Installing GFortran on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Written by Taro Sato on . Tagged: OS X sysadmin

Installing from GFortran Wiki (My Current Preferred Way)

GCC Wiki has a link to Mac OS X installer. As the command gfortran will be installed at /usr/local/gfortran and causes less interference with other libraries and software, this is my preferred way.

Installing from Fink

I use Fink (as opposed to MacPorts) to manage most Linux-like tools.

$ fink install netcdf-gfortran

This will make gfortran available at /sw/bin/gfortran. It may take a bit of time to compile binaries though.

Installing Binary from High Performance Computing for Mac OS X

This site has a bunch of pre-compiled binaries useful for scientific computing, and GFortran is one of them.

Installing Binary from the R Project

You may simply use a binary made available by the R people. Download a .dmg file from here. This version will install at /usr/local/bin.

Update History

November 24, 2010 – Added different install options.

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