
Installing Kindle for PC on Debian Squeeze

Written by Taro Sato on . Tagged: sysadmin Linux Windows

I sometimes want to run Kindle for PC on Wine. Amazon is so lame that they don’t even bother making a native Linux version of this software!

Here is the procedure. Move to a temporary directory and do:

$ sudo aptitude install wine lib32nss-mdns cabextract bzip2
$ wget
$ sh winetricks corefonts
$ wget ./wp-content/uploads/2010/06/KindleForPC-installer.exe.bz2
$ bunzip2 KindleForPC-installer.exe.bz2
$ wine KindleForPC-installer.exe

After going through the above procedure, I need to run Wine Configuration to set Kindle for PC executable to run as a Windows 98 application. I do this under the Applications tab of the Wine configuration. It should be self-explanatory.

The program called winetricks is necessary to install necessary MS fonts once Kindle for PC launches.

The old version of Kindle for PC installer, which I just keep for myself here, is necessary to properly install it on Wine. Unfortunately newer versions won’t work. Hopefully Amazon releases a new version which runs at least on Wine.

Update History

Jan 26, 2011 – Fixing typos and added a couple packages based on a user comment.