
Installing Bruzual & Charlot 2003 (GALAXEV) on Debian Squeeze

Written by Taro Sato on . Tagged: astro sysadmin Linux

The installation procedure is confusing only if you are not using csh (I use Bash) and if g77 is not available. Otherwise you can simply follow the installation procedure outlined in the official documentation file (i.e., bc03/doc/

First, you definitely need csh and a FORTRAN compiler:

$ sudo apt-get install csh gfortran

Download from the B&C 2003 website the following tarballs (assuming here they are saved under /usr/local/SED):


Uncompress and untar all these at once by

for i in *.tar.gz; do tar -xvzf $i; done

This will create the directory bc03 under /usr/local/SED and all the subdirectories (bc03/doc, bc03/models, bc03/src, bc03/templates) should be filled with files.

Unfortunately the setup file only exists for csh (bc03/src/.bc_cshrc), so you need to create one for yourself. Save the following to a file at bc03/src/.bc_bash:

export A0VSED="$bc03/A0V_KURUCZ_92.SED"
export RF_COLORS_ARRAYS="$bc03/RF_COLORS.filters"
alias  add='csh $bc03/'
alias  csp='csh $bc03/'
alias  vdisp='csh $bc03/'
alias  cmev='csh $bc03/'
alias  dgr='csh $bc03/'
alias  gpl='$bc03/galaxevpl'
alias  zmag='$bc03/zmag'

(This file is actually provided by default in C&B 2007, which you should be using instead of the 2003 version.) Furthermore, you need to modify a line in bc03/src/Makefile to use gfortran instead of g77:

#FC = g77 -ffixed-line-length-132  # comment out this line and add:
FC = gfortran -ffixed-line-length-none

Then compile the programs:

$ bc03=/usr/local/SED/bc03/src
$ cd $bc03
$ . .bc_bash
$ make all

Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc and all the commands for GALAXEV will be available (as aliases):

export bc03=/usr/local/SED/bc03/src
. $bc03/.bc_bash

That’s it.